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Tzvetan Vassilev

Tzvetan Vassilev Financed the Bulgarian Edition of One of Paul Krugman’s Bestsellers

Tzvetan Vassilev Financed the Bulgarian Edition of One of Paul Krugman’s Bestsellers

Presentation of the Bulgarian translation of Paul Krugman’s Book International Economics: Theory and Policy, sponsored by Tzvetan Vassilev.

December 2nd, 2013

Thanks to Tzvetan Vassilev’s support, one of Paul Krugman’s best-known works — International Economics — Theory and Policy was published in Bulgarian for the first time. Krugman is a Noble Laureate in Economics of 2008 and author of 23 books and more than 200 academic articles, which have been published in various academic and professional journals.


On 12 November 2013, Paul Krugman was awarded with the University of National and World Economy’s (UNWE) Doctor Honoris Causa title. Krugman held a public lecture, titled "What happened to Europe?," in which he discussed on the development of the global economy and the problems ahead of the European Union.


Mr. Tzvetan Vassilev, member of UNWE’s Board of Trustees, attended the lecture and presented the Bulgarian edition of International Economics — Theory and Policy. The book was published with the support of Mr. Vassilev. The university’s Board of Trustees has established a tradition according to which every year each member finances the publication of one book of their choice.


In his address Mr. Vassilev emphasized that he had not hesitated regarding the author he wanted to support. His choice of book was inspired by the fact that International Economics — Theory and Policy would be of great benefit for the academic community and for everyone with a contemporary mindset. Tzvetan Vassilev also shared a personal motive for choosing that particular book — its theme encompassed the subjects covered by his university degree — International Economic Relations.


To see photos from the event, visit the gallery.

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